Friday, December 13, 2019

Mother and Father by Medha Soni

My mother is cheerful and bright,
And my father is a guiding light.

My mother is very helpful,
And my father is absolutely wonderful.

My mother is really so much caring,
And my father teaches me the value of sharing

My mother teaches me in English where to use for and since
And my father is like my heart's loving Prince.

My mother is the queen of my heart,
And my father is extremely smart.

Thank you God for giving me parents who help me a lot,
And bless me that I follow everything that they have taught.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Solution when starting kalite server KALite gives error message "Environmental Variable not set script directory does not exist"

Somehow I messed up installation of KAlite and it gave the error  kalite  script directory not set.  ans something about environment variable.

 I found that when i reinstalled kalite .kalite directory was not created in user account and server was not starting and installation finished within 3-4 minutes.

here is what i found after multiple installations and re installations

  1.  uninstall kalite
  2. use "set" command  without quotes in command prompt  to find environmental paths
  3.  Delete any paths to kalite using "system properties" in control panel
  4. remove kalite from app data
  5. unistall python
  6.  delete python folder if present
  7. restart computer
  8. reinstall kalite 
  9. Done

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Playing videos with double click in raspberry pi

install xterm

sudo apt-get install xterm

go to a video

type xterm -fullscreen -fg black -bg black -e omxplayer -o hdmi -r %f in custom command line

press ok


Using Real Vnc PIXEL Raspberry PI ( screen resolution)

 I have installed a new OS (PIXEL)  on my Raspberry PI (

It comes pre-installed with Real vnc server . You have to enable it and update your raspberry
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

 So on my window machine I  just download vnc viewer (

start vnc viewer
give ip adress of raspberry
fill username and password

and You can get it connected.

Screen resolution  becomes a problem  sometimes

crontab is a scheduler for pi which can be used to correct it

In terminal type

crontab -e

add the this line at the end of scheduled task for 1920 x 1080 resolution 

@reboot /bin/fbset -g 1920 1080 1920 1080 16

and save the file and reboot


Saturday, September 26, 2015

Setting Resolution in Raspberry Pi for HD TV : from a non IT person

I connected my raspberry Pi ( Raspbian  OS)  with HD LED 42 inch TV and with few modifications  in config.txt,  I could run the raspberry pi with full 1920 x 1080 full resolution.  However the fonts were small in terminal and at other places

The fonts in terminal and other menu items can be easily changed from appearance settings
 which are available at right click

  1. right click on desktop as desktop preferences  
  2. edit tab in terminal
  3.  change geometry with right click on panel settings
  4. web can be managed by ctrl + or ctrl -
Still programs like scratch 1.4 Sonic pi and Mathematica  fonts were too small and difficult to read at a distance of  8-10 feet from TV. So  my journey to correct these started. After numerous website searches,  comment on following two statements in config.txt was removed


It corrected web and sonic pi to a large extent,  but Scratch and Mathematica remained a problem.

As I understood somehow I need to lower the resolution on the fly or without restart which has to be done before starting X  ( X seems to GUI  name ) so that i can still boot to different resolution if i want

so  this command before start x did the trick

fbset -g 800 450 800 450 16

The scratch and mathematica fonts are now visible from 10 feet.

 when you are not using scratch  startx without fbset command and you are good with original resolution.